““As head robber Adam, Ryan Nicolls gave a full forced performance. He brought force but deep within was heart and humility. There was control in his performance despite the character quickly unraveling. For once, you sympathized with the bad guy.””
— Adam Block, theatreinthenow.com
““The score, acting and cinematography is very impressive as is T5-88’s (Ryan Nicolls) brilliant voice-over.””
— LoveFanFilm.com
“While I’ve enjoyed the voice work throughout the series, this week’s episode delivered a high note for the series thus far. This is particularly true where Lord Abel (Ryan Nicolls) is concerned. The exploration of his past is highlighted by the emotional voice work that sells his story.”
— Charles Hartford, ButWhyThoPodcast.com
“ Abel had moral ambiguity, and it’s these types of characters that can spark all kinds of discourse. And while you can debate this fact all you want, there isn’t a debate at the performance of Ryan Nicolls. He made Abel his own, and seeing the emotional turmoil and relief of Abel, performed the way he did was nothing short of astounding. Fena: Pirate Princess is a character-driven story, meaning a lot of pressure is on the actors who play these characters. If a performance isn’t working in a series like this, the enjoyment level will falter. Yet what Nicolls was able to do for Abel has me giving him a standing ovation. Genuinely remarkable and something I can’t stop at praising!”